ASP is a Platinum Sponsor at the WFHSS, the World Federation for Hospital Sterilization Sciences, from 16th to 19th November 2022 in Barcelona, Spain.
Registration is organized by the Congress and you can access the registration link on the WFHSS website HERE
The congress this year is focused on green policies, questions about the carbon footprint, and major future perspectives for CSSDs such as digitalization.
We are glad to welcome you to our Booth 56, where we show you in a live demonstration the:
- STERRAD™ Systems with ALLClear™ Technology
- STERRAD VELOCITY™ - Biological Indicator & PCD System
- ASP Aeroflex™ - Automatic Endoscope Reprocessor
- HS2000 - Heat Sealer
As a part of the rich scientific program, we have the pleasure to conduct a Face-to-Face Symposium, with simultaneous translation in Spanish, on the hot topic:
"H202 sterilization: Standards, Physics, Medical Devices, and Practice" including an update on ISO 22441.
➔ Date: 17th Nov 2022 (Thursday)
➔ Time: 12:30 - 14:00 CET
➔ Location: Room 5
ASP Symposium Details
Since its creation by ASP in the early 1990’s, H2O2 Low Temperature Sterilization (LTS) has come a long way. It became the indisputable reference low temperature sterilization modalities for hospitals across the world. As the number of sterilizer manufacturers attracted by the technology and applications of H2O2 LTS keeps growing, time had come to develop dedicated international standards. After several years of intense and rich debates, ISO 22441 was published and will progressively take the place 14937. We will take a walk through ISO 22441, remind the core principles common to ISO 14937 and ISO 22441 and explain on the additional information and clarification brought by ISO 22441. Although H2O2 LTS has reached maturity, there is still a lot to be said on the H2O2 sterilization science. We will dive in the intimate physics of H2O2 interaction with surfaces and germs. Time will then come to conclude with the implementation of ISO 22441 and sterilization science in everyday practice.
Having this in mind, ASP™ is proud to announce an ASP Symposium during the 23rd World Sterilization Congress, that will clarify the new ISO 22441, the requisites of H2O2 LTS technology and how we can put it on practice daily basis. The symposium will contain 3 major lectures:
1. ISO 22441 and future H2O2 standards
Phillipe Destrez R&D EMEA, ASP, France
ISO 22441 was published in August 20022. We will explain how the standard was developed, what it changes versus ISO 14937 and its links with the other H2O2 standards in progress
To support this symposium, we count on experts in these fields, where you can raise up and clarify your questions and concerns.
2. The physics of H2O2 sterilization
Daniel Beysens, Honorary director of researches at the PMMH laboratory, France
This presentation will be in continuation with "the physics of sterilization" in the core program of the congress. It will explains how H2O2 interact with germs at atmospheric and in vacuum as well the requisites need it for H2O2 Low Temperature Sterilization technology.
3. Process Validation & Medical Devices Qualification in practice
Wouter Meert, Process-Project Manager CSSD & Head Instrument Management at UZ Leuven, Belgium
The presentation will explain how the standard will be used in practice for the validation of H2O2 processes on medical devices .
To support these webinars, we count on experts in these fields, where you can raise up and clarify your questions and concerns.
Meet our speakers:
➔ To download full Scientific Program, click HERE.
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