High-Level Disinfection
High-level disinfection refers to a reprocessing process that destroys all pathogenic microorganisms on medical devices and instruments, with the exception of small numbers of bacterial spores. According to the Spaulding Classification system, all semi-critical items, defined as those which are in contact with intact mucous membranes or non-intact skin, must undergo high-level disinfection when being reprocessed.
Automatic Endoscope Reprocessors
ASP™ provides a compact automated high-level disinfection system, the ASP AEROFLEX™ Automated Endoscope Reprocessor*, which facilitates rapid endoscope reprocessing and accelerates workflow in the Central Sterilization Services Department (CSSD).
ASP AEROFLEX™ Automatic Endoscope Reprocessor
The ASP AEROFLEX™ Automatic Endoscope Reprocessor is a single basin endoscope reprocessing system with an integrated minimum recommended concentration (MRC) monitor and intuitive user interface that streamlines workflow and enhances compliant reprocessing.
Fastest complete cycle time of any automatic endoscope reprocessor currently sold
MRC monitor eliminates the need for test trips and reduces related operator errors
Exclusive duodenoscope auto-detection feature
ENDOCLENS-NSX™ Automated Endoscope Reprocessor
Proven automated high-level disinfection system in a compact size designed for fast, easy operation.
Detergents / Cleaning
ASP™ offers a range of detergents, such as CIDEZYME™ and CIDEZYME™ XTRA Enzymatic Cleaners, which can be used for manual cleaning of medical devices and laboratory equipment.
CIDEZYME™ XTRA Enzymatic Cleaner & Detergent Solution
CIDEZYME™ XTRA Multi-Enzymatic detergent provides rapid and effective removal of bioburden during automated or manual cleaning of medical and general lab equipment prior to high-level disinfection or low-temperature sterilization.
Fast and thorough action
Low foaming and biodegradable
Rust inhibitor protects medical devices
CIDEZYME™ Enzymatic Cleaner & Detergent Solution
CIDEZYME™ Enzymatic Detergent Solution is a mild enzyme-based pre-soak and cleaner that can be used to remove organic soil from contaminated endoscopic surgery instruments and other medical devices prior to disinfection.
Effective and fast-acting
Easy to rinse and pleasant to use
Compatible with a wide range of devices and materials
Biocides / High-Level Disinfection
CIDEX™ OPA Solution is a broad-spectrum, high-level disinfectant, that can be used to safely reprocess flexible endoscopes and other heat-sensitive medical devices.
CIDEX™ OPA Test Strips
CIDEX™ Test Strips can be used to provide a rapid measure of the minimum effective concentration (MEC) of CIDEX™ OPA Solution, to optimize its reuse for high-level disinfection.
Easy to use
Rapid measurement
Assurance of CIDEX™ OPA Solution efficacy
CIDEX™ OPA Solution
CIDEX™ OPA Solution is a high-level disinfectant that can be used to safely reprocess flexible endoscopes and other heat-sensitive medical devices quickly and effectively.
Broad-spectrum activity against bacteria, mycobacteria, viruses and fungi
Fast acting and long-lasting efficacy
Easy-to-use and safe for healthcare professionals